For more detailed information, please download the datasheet below.
MicroRAPTOR® – iMR920 Datasheets
MicroRAPTOR® – iMR920 User Manuals
MicroRAPTOR® – iMR920 Drawings
Firmware version
Version: 1.60 / 1.20.11 | Release Date: December 18, 2024
To request an upgrade to the latest firmware version for your hardware, click the link below to fill out a Technical Support contact form.
When requesting a firmware upgrade, reference your product model number, serial number(s), and current firmware version.
Compact Layer 2 & Layer 3 Cybersecure Platform IEC 61850, IEEE 1613 Certified
MicroRAPTOR® – iMR920
The MicroRAPTOR® is an Intelligent Cyber Secure Platform running the iBiome® OS, an all-encompassing operating system that supports switching and routing on a single platform.
May be equipped with up to 16-ports. Configurable with Ethernet, Serial, HSR/PRP, and computing modules.
Supports Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switching and offers industry-specific features such as IEEE 1588v2 precision timing support.
Firewall, NAT, and IPSec are supported. Access Control Lists (ACL), RADIUS, and TACACs are also supported.
Easy-to-use web-based GUI means easy configuration and monitoring of a single platform for many functions, eliminates the need for complex terminal emulation programs and lowers deployment costs.
In addition to the switching and routing software capabilities found in the iMR320, the iMR920 supports a stateful firewall, NAT and IPSec capabilities.

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